College Counsel
from Neisha Frank

Why Hire a College Consultant?

Two women chatting at a table

The first answer to this question is that times have changed.

Parents, consider all that has changed since you graduated high school. College admission is no exception. Choice is greater, competition at popular state schools and selective private institutions is more intense, and costs have increased four-fold.

Many students are assigned to a counselor at their high schools, but high school counselors have one of the most demanding jobs around. Balancing class schedules, behavioral issues, emotional concerns and four-year graduation plans for an average caseload of 482 students, they have little time to focus on trends in higher education and individual college plans.

The college consultant, unencumbered by such demands, has the time and resources to keep up with rapidly changing college admission trends; visit numerous colleges, both in-state and elsewhere; stay abreast of the latest in financial aid and scholarships; and personally guide students through what can be an arduous process of writing college essays, putting together a thoughtful resume, and managing multiple college application deadlines. Most importantly, we have time to get to know each of our students and their families intimately and customize our services to their specific needs.

This leads to the second reason to hire a college consultant: no two colleges and no two students are alike.

Each college has a unique mission, culture and set of priorities. They also have their own application standards, deadlines and approaches to financial aid and scholarships.

Students and their families are unique, as well.  Some are far reachers, vying for admission at the most selective schools around, others are just trying to figure out what they want to study. Some are willing to pay whatever it takes to attend their dream school, others aren’t sure they can pay for college at all. And, of course, there are a host of contenders in between.

The college consultant takes all these factors into consideration and fashions a plan unique to each student’s needs. Doing so requires constant research on colleges and time getting to know each student individually, ultimately giving students options that will set them up for success as they enter this exciting and formative stage of their lives.

