College Counsel
from Neisha Frank

New Beginnings

A man with a backpack is standing on the roadside

The beginning of a new school year has always been one of the most highly anticipated times of the year for my children. That is, until now. This year is different. And, just like last year, when we mustered our collective energies to add normalcy to the end of the school year with virtual ceremonies, drive-by celebrations and elaborate social media posts, there is no way to make it truly normal.

But it is new.

And with newness comes possibility. Fresh starts. A time to shed old patterns, habits and mindsets and replace them with something different and, hopefully, better. Students, what in your life could use a tune-up, a jump start, or even an entire engine overhaul? Is it your study habits? Your involvement in extra-curricular activities? The way you spend your free time? Could it be that this abnormal year provides you the perfect opportunity to make those changes?

During this pandemic, we have seen so much of our old way of life slip away. But what will our new way of life look like?  That is the question college admissions officers will want answered as they review applications this fall, next fall, and in years to come. Every high school student in the world will have lost something to this pandemic. What you chose to gain is what will set you apart.

